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Alphains Uniti
Kontak Perusahaan | ||
Nama: | Tn. Wahib [Administrasi] | |
E-mail: | Kirim Pesan | |
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Nomor Ponsel: | ||
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Alamat: | Jl. Juanda II RT 002, Kelurahan Air Hitam Samarinda 75124, Kalimantan Timur Indonesia | |
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai | Tidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan | |
Tanggal Bergabung: | 24 May. 2023 | |
Terakhir Diperbarui: | 6 Jan. 2012 | |
Sifat Dasar Usaha: | Dagang dari kategori Agraris | |
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CV Alphains Uniti is the company that is located in Samarinda. The company was established on May 02, 2009. We are an environment consumables provider such as Aluminium Sulphate/ Tawas, Kapur Gamping/ Tohor, Kapur Dolomite, Cover Crop, Fertilizer, Pesticides and others. Besides that, we also provide every needs of your company such as spare part, oil, furniture, daily consumables, etc. To compete professionally and also to answer the challenge ahead, CV Alphains Uniti has prepared everything needed, starting from finance and administration instruments, working tools, the recruitment of human resources and also working capital. In running our business, we always provide good quality products with good price. We try to give the best service to our clients thatâ € ™ s why we always open for suggestion and critic. You can contact or email us if you have ones. | ||
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